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Best boundaries/membranes by Chipmonk


How much higher was the scoring on neuroticism than the general population?

How many alignment researchers do you think there are total? What % do you think this survey hit that you wanted it to hit?

I'll be there! Talk to me about boundaries and coordination/Goodness

Andy Matuschak @andymatuschak:

Finally found a single actual screenshot of the DARPA Digital Tutor (sort of—a later commercial adaptation). Crazy-making that there were zero figures in any of the papers about its design, and not enough details to imagine one.

Some observations:
* An instructional interface is presented alongside a live machine.
* Student presented with a concrete task to achieve in the live system.
* The training system begins by “discussing the situation”, probing the student’s understanding with q's, and responding with appropriate feedback and follow-up tasks.
* It can observe the student’s actions in the live system and respond appropriately.
* The instructional interface uses a text-conversational modality.
* I see strong influence from Graesser's AutoTutor, and some from Anderson's Cognitive Tutors.


(from ) 

This all seems very teleological. Do you have thoughts on what the teleology of the universe could be under this model? 

Thanks for asking. This is the intention of Mathematical Boundaries Workshop which is running now. Let me know if you'd like to come on Sunday

right, yeah, i think precisely formalizing boundaries is less useful for the cyborgism angle

Personal anecdote:

Ever since reading George's post, I've been noticing ways in which I have been (subconsciously) tensing muscles in my neck-- and possibly around my vagus nerve and inside my head. I wonder if by tensing these muscles, I'm reducing blood flow.  

(I can think of reasons why someone might learn to do this on purpose actually, eg in response to some social stress.)

So now I'm experimenting with relaxing those muscles whenever I notice myself tensing them. Maybe this increases blood flow, idk. It maybe feels a little like that.

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