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Ideally I'd like someone to just sample the McDonald's cooking oil every few days through a few cycles of oil changes, but I doubt this will happen.

This seems like a huge civilizational inadequacy to me. This would be informative at large scale, and the cost would be very small.

Definitely relevant to figure out what's true when one is only talking about the object level, but the OP was about how trustworthy contrarians are compared to the mainstream rather than simply being about the object level.

I feel like if there's one side arguing the genetic gap is x, and one side arguing the genetic gap is 0, the natural dichotomization is whether the genetic gap is larger or smaller than x/2.

Do you have ab outline of how SLT answers this?

If you go slower, you have more time to find desirable mechanisms. That's pretty much it I guess.

I'm convinced by the mainstream view on COVID origins and medicine.

I'm ambivalent on education - I guess if done well, it'd consistently have good effects, and that currently, it on average has good effects, but also the effect varies a lot from person to person, so simplistic quantitative reviews don't tell you much. When I did an epistemic spot check on Caplan's book, it failed terribly (it cited a supposedly-ingenious experiment that university didn't improve critical thinking, but IMO the experiment had terrible psychometrics).

I don't know enough about sleep research to disagree with Guzey on the basis of anything but priors. In general, I wouldn't update much on someone writing a big review, because often reviews include a lot of crap information.

I might have to read Jayman's rebuttal of B-W genetic IQ differences in more detail, but at first glance I'm not really convinced by it because it seems to focus on small sample sizes in unusual groups, so it's unclear how much study noise, publication bias and and sampling bias effects things. At this point I think indirect studies are getting obsolete and it's becoming more and more feasible to just directly measure the racial genetic differences in IQ.

However I also think HBDers have a fractal of bad takes surrounding this, because they deny the phenotypic null hypothesis and center non-existent abstract personality traits like "impulsivity" or "conformity" in their models.

  • The RLCT = first-order term for in-distribution generalization error and also Bayesian learning (technically the 'Bayesian free energy').  This justifies the name of 'learning coefficient' for lambda. I emphasize that these are mathematically precise statements that have complete proofs, not conjectures or intuitions. 

Link(s) to your favorite proof(s)?

Also, do these match up with empirical results?

  • Knowing a little SLT will inoculate you against many wrong theories of deep learning that abound in the literature. I won't be going in to it but suffice to say that any paper assuming that the Fischer information metric is regular for deep neural networks or any kind of hierarchichal structure is fundamentally flawed. And you can be sure this assumption is sneaked in all over the place. For instance, this is almost always the case when people talk about Laplace approximation.

I have a cached belief that the Laplace approximation is also disproven by ensemble studies, so I don't really need SLT to inoculate me against that. I'd mainly be interested if SLT shows something beyond that.

it can be estimated at scale.

As I read the empirical formulas in this paper, they're roughly saying that a network has a high empirical learning coefficient if an ensemble of models that are slightly less trained on average have a worse loss than the network.

But then so they don't have to retrain the models from scratch, they basically take a trained model, and wiggle it around using Gaussian noise while retraining it.

This seems like a reasonable way to estimate how locally flat the loss landscape is. I guess there's a question of how much the devil is in the details; like whether you need SLT to derive an exact formula that works.

I guess I'm still not super sold on it, but on reflection that's probably partly because I don't have any immediate need for computing basin broadness. Like I find the basin broadness theory nice to have as a model, but now that I know about it, I'm not sure why I'd want/need to study it further.

There was a period where I spent a lot of time thinking about basin broadness. I guess I eventually abandoned it because I realized the basin was built out of a bunch of sigmoid functions layered on top of each other, but the generalization was really driven by the neural tangent kernel, which in turn is mostly driven by the Jacobian of the network outputs for the dataset as a function of the weights, which in turn is mostly driven by the network activations. I guess it's plausible that SLT has the best quantities if you stay within the basin broadness paradigm. 🤔

Newton's Universal Law of Gravitation was the first highly accurate model of things falling down that generalized beyond the earth, and it is also the second-most computationally applicable model of things falling down that we have today.

Are you saying that singular learning theory was the first highly accurate model of breadth of optima, and that it's one of the most computationally applicable ones we have?

I would say "the thing that contains the inheritance particles" rather than "the inheritance particle". "Particulate inheritance" is a technical term within genetics and it refers to how children don't end up precisely with the mean of their parents' traits (blending inheritance), but rather with some noise around that mean, which particulate inheritance asserts is due to the genetic influence being separated into discrete particles with the children receiving random subsets of their parent's genes. The significance of this is that under blending inheritance, the genetic variation between organisms within a species would be averaged away in a small number of generations, which would make evolution by natural selection ~impossible (as natural selection doesn't work without genetic variation).

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